
Recoat System.

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  • Maintain the protective layer on your floor with the Bona Recoat System™

    You work hard to ensure your hardwood floors look their best, but over time, the finish is slowly removed by the friction of daily foot traffic in your home. Each year the finish protecting your wood floor gets thinner and more scratched. If you do not take the necessary steps to properly maintain it, eventually bare wood will be exposed. This could lead to a complete sand and finish or even permanent damage, which results in replacement of your hardwood floors.

    It’s important to note that every few years your floor should be recoated to maintain its protective layer with the Bona Recoat System™. This is an easy and proven recoat process that safely removes contaminants from the floor rinses the floor clean and refortifies your hardwood floor with a new coat of Bona Traffic or Bona Traffic HD™.

    This new coat of finish will restore the beauty and prolong the life of your hardwood floor. The Bona Recoat System:

    • Fills in surface scratches
    • Restores sheen and luster of floor
    • Maintains a protective layer

    In 3 easy steps your hardwood floors will be protected by the best finish in the industry!

    • Remove: Bona Remover™ solution breaks up and removes any contaminants on the floor, preparing the floor for a thorough cleaning.
    • Rinse: Bona Rinse™ solution is specifically designed to rinse the floor clean of Bona Remover and contaminants, preparing the floor for a new coat of finish.
    • Refortify: Once all the contaminants are removed and cleaned from the hardwood floor, it is ready to be refortified with a new coat of Bona Traffic® or Bona Traffic HD™.

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